28 September 2009


My name is Harbowo Dwi Prakoso. I was born in Jakarta, June 〖15〗^th 1994. Harbowo means because I was born in Wednesday. Dwi means I am the second children from my parents. Prakoso means my parents hope I will be a stronger. I have one brother, his name is Syafril Satrio Purwanto. He is a student. In 1998, my parents put me in kindergarten. The name of kindergarten is Fathan Mubina. In there I got a first rank.
In 1999, I got elementary school in SDIT Nurul Hikmah. In the first grade, I got the fifth rank. In the second grade, I got, the second rank. In the third grade,I got the third rank. In the fourth grade, I got the third rank. In the fifth grade, I got the fifth rank. In the last grade in my elementary school, I got the third rank.
In 2006, I joined to junior high school in SMPN 216. I got in here because my general test’s score is 6.0. in the seventh grade I got 7-2. In the eight grade, I got 8-3. And the last grade from my junior high school, I got 9-9. In 2007, I got a serious sick. I got Hepatitis A. I didn’t come to school a month because of my sick. My sick causes because I very tired from my activity and I never have lunch. In 2009, my junior high school held a big party. The big party’s name is Prom night. 
At now I am senior high school student. I got fourteen senior high school. I joined here with NEM 34.65. I got in X-D. in here, I joined a basketball ekstrakulikuler.  

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